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Title Materials City Contact
ASZ Secondhand Baumarkt Pavers, kerbs and setts, Natural stone elements, Shutters, Doors Kaiserslautern[DE]
Bianchessi Materiali Antichi Landscaping and paving, Structure, Shell, Woodwork, Interior finishings, Equipment, Architectural antiques Offanengo [IT]
Contini Vittorio Landscaping and paving, Flagstones, Pavers, kerbs and setts, Flagstones, Tiles Fabbiano[IT]
Historische Türen & Baustoffe Florian Langenbeck Window tablets, Older windows, Doors, Stone flooring slabs, Tiles, Sanitary appliances, Architectural antiques Freiburg[DE]
Sebastian Juhnke Historische Baustoffe Landscaping and paving, Stone flooring slabs, Bricks, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Architectural antiques Müllheim[DE]

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Dinkholder Mühle Zmelty Schreinerei Historische Baustoffe Finishing wood, Timber formwork panels, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, Scrap wood, Windows, Shutters, Doors, Solid wood floors, Architectural antiques Lahnstein[DE]
Historische Türen & Baustoffe Florian Langenbeck Window tablets, Older windows, Doors, Stone flooring slabs, Tiles, Sanitary appliances, Architectural antiques Freiburg[DE]
Raphael Schropp Antike Baustoffe Architectural antiques, Architectural antiques Immendingen[DE]