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Name Materials City Contact
't Koetshof Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Architectural antiques Bekkevoort[BE]
100 Détours Windows LA CHAPELLE ST ETIENNE[FR] Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Insulation, Scrap wood, Windows, Recent windows, Doors, Hardware, Exterior doors, Panelled doors, Panels and boards, Plasterboard, Wood-based panel materials Oosterhout[NL]
2e Kans Bouwmaterialen Structural timber Groot-Ammers[NL]
2ekeus B.V. Insulation, HPL panels Barneveld[NL]
Aannemerij & Houthandel Roozing Slates, roof tiles and wall copings Schagerbrug[NL]
Abbedricx bvba Doors, Panelled doors, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors Asper[BE]
ACTIS Structural steel, Bricks, Structural timber, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Natural stone elements, Bricks, Staircases, Doors, Tiles, Parquet and panelling, Radiators, Fireplaces Courlandon[FR]
Albert Rodriguez Architectural antiques, Fireplaces, Architectural antiques Saint-Ouen[FR]
Allibert Matériaux Anciens Flagstones, Pavers, kerbs and setts, Bricks, Structural timber, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Natural stone elements, Bricks, Staircases, Windows, Flagstones, Tiles, Fireplaces, Architectural antiques Valaurie [FR]
Alphamétal Radiators Ozoir-la-Ferrière[FR]
Alternatinnov Maisons-du-bois-Lievremont[FR]
Amfora Tiles, Unglazed porcelain tiles, Enamelled, ceramic tiles Orsmaal-Gussenhoven[BE]
Antic-Mat Natural stone elements Poule-Les-Echarmeaux[FR]
Antiek Amber Fireplaces, Architectural antiques Vosselaar[BE]
Antiek Anresto Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors, Architectural antiques Lommel[BE]
Antiek De Hoog Groaf Tiles, Enamelled, ceramic tiles, Cement based tiles, Architectural antiques Tongeren[BE]
Antiek Deknock BVBA Flagstones, Stone flooring slabs, Tiles, Cement based tiles, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors, Fireplaces, Architectural antiques Zedelgem[BE]
Antiekboerderij Oud-Zomerland Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks Heinenoord[NL]
Antiekbouw NV Flagstones, Natural stone elements, Windows, Shutters, Older windows, Doors, Panelled doors, Hardware Ieper[BE]
Antik Matériaux Flagstones, Pavers, kerbs and setts, Bricks, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Natural stone elements, Bricks, Flagstones, Tiles Surville[FR]
Antique Floors S.A. Structural timber, Parquet and panelling, Architectural antiques Foetz[LU]
Antique Tegel Kunnen-Philtjens Tiles, Enamelled, ceramic tiles, Cement based tiles Rotem[BE]
Antiques & Vintage Best[NL]
Antiques déco Tiles, Parquet and panelling, Sanitary appliances, Architectural antiques Roubaix[FR]
Antiques Décoratives Architectural antiques, Architectural antiques Brive-la-Gaillarde[FR]
Antiquités Thierry May Tiles, Parquet and panelling, Fireplaces, Architectural antiques Fontainebleau[FR]
Aquimat Natural stone elements, Doors, Fireplaces Langon[FR]
Arc En Ciel Recyclage Izeaux[FR]
ARCA CHUDEAU Structural steel, Lights, Radiators, Technical equipment, Architectural antiques Avrillé[FR]
Architecturaal Antiek Delaere F Natural stone elements, Steps and sills, Other elements, Antique (cast-iron) fences, Architectural antiques Kuurne[BE]
Aremat Doors, Panelled doors, Exterior doors Walhain[BE]
Arie Oud & Zn. Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Clay wall copings, Clay roof tiles Zuidschermer[NL]
Arnaud Démolition La Talaudière[FR]
Arno van den Dungen Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Wood from other applications, Scaffolding wood, Scrap wood, Solid wood floors, Scaffolding wood, Scrap wood, Panels and boards, Wood-based panel materials Haarsteeg[NL]
Articonnex Orvault[FR]
Arts & Techniques Parquet and panelling Malicorne-sur-Sarthe[FR]
Association L'Ecrouvis Pavers, kerbs and setts, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Finishing wood, Windows, Doors, Finishing wood, Tiles, Metalwork, Lights, Radiators, Technical equipment, Sanitary appliances Saint-Nicolas-de-Redon[FR]
Atelier de Saint-Cannat Structural timber, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Tiles Aix-en-Provence[FR]
Atelier Standaert Fireplaces Brugge[BE]
Atmosphère & Bois Finishing wood, Barnwood, Finishing wood, Barnwood Limelette[BE]
Au Vieux Grenier Flagstones, Flagstones Fléac[FR]
Au Vieux Temps ou MONSIEUR FABRICE MULLER Structural timber, Parquet and panelling Sedan[FR]
Aube Matériaux Anciens Flagstones, Pavers, kerbs and setts, Bricks, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Bricks, Flagstones Saint-Martin-de-Bossenay[FR]
AUBRY ANTIQUITES Flagstones, Bricks, Finishing wood, Bricks, Doors, Finishing wood, Flagstones, Tiles, Parquet and panelling, Fireplaces, Architectural antiques Ménil[FR]
Authentic Matériaux Flagstones, Bricks, Structural timber, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Bricks, Flagstones, Tiles Salernes[FR]
Authentieke Bouwmaterialen Storms nv Flagstones, Stone flooring slabs, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors Kapelle-Op-Den-Bos[BE]
B2R Interior finishings, Panels and boards, Plasterboard, Office interior elements, Suspended ceilings, Equipment, Sanitary appliances, Washbasins, slop sinks, Toilet bowls, Urinals Strasbourg[FR]
Backacia Doors, Tiles, Parquet and panelling, Lights, Radiators, Technical equipment, Sanitary appliances Paris[FR]
Baignoires Anciennes Sanitary appliances Saint-Thomas-de-Courceriers[FR]
Barnwoodweb Finishing wood, Finishing wood Katwijk[NL]
Bathestia Recup Structural timber, Windows, Doors, Sanitary appliances, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings Moustey[FR]
BATI RECUP Flagstones, Natural slate, Natural stone elements, Sanitary appliances, Technical equipment Rennes[FR]
BatiTerre Flagstones, Stone flooring slabs, Doors, Panelled doors, Hardware, Flush doors, Flagstones, Stone flooring slabs, Sanitary appliances, Flushing systems, Washbasins, slop sinks, Toilet bowls Bruxelles[BE, BE], Liège[BE, BE]
BCA Matériaux Anciens — Maine-et-Loire Doors, Bricks, Tiles, Pavers, kerbs and setts, Flagstones, Finishing wood, Natural stone elements L'Hôtellerie-de-Flée[FR]
BCA Matériaux Anciens — Normandie Parquet and panelling, Doors, Bricks, Tiles, Pavers, kerbs and setts, Flagstones, Finishing wood, Natural stone elements Méry-Corbon[FR]
BDS Shell, Woodwork, Interior finishings, Equipment, Architectural antiques Mérignac[FR]
Beaumarié Ferronnerie Architectural antiques Jouars-Pontchartrain[FR]
Beddeleem Circulair Office interior elements, Partition walls Nazareth[BE]
Beijer & Zn. B.V. Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Panels and boards, Wood-based panel materials Rhenen[NL]
Bel-Antik Flagstones, Stone wall slabs, Stone flooring slabs, Natural stone elements, Steps and sills, Window tablets, Wall copings, Other elements, Architectural antiques Morlanwez[BE]
Benko Doors, Panelled doors, Tiles, Unglazed porcelain tiles, Enamelled, ceramic tiles, Cement based tiles, Architectural antiques Sint Jansteen[NL]
Bert Kooistra's Antieke bouwmarkt Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Clay wall copings, Clay roof tiles, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks Broeksterwoude[NL]
Bestrating Van Toen Pavers, kerbs and setts, Natural stone setts, Clay pavers Vinkel[NL]
BH Matériaux Anciens Structural timber, Tiles, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings Lauzerte[FR]
Biemar Bois Finishing wood, Barnwood, Finishing wood, Barnwood Soumagne[BE]
Bloem gebruikte bouwmaterialen Flagstones, Stone flooring slabs, Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Glued laminated timber, Antique (oak) beams, Windows, Shutters, Recent windows, Doors, Panelled doors, Exterior doors, Hardware, Flagstones, Stone flooring slabs, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors, Panelling, Radiators, Sheet metal, aluminium and stainless steel radiators, Sanitary appliances, Washbasins, slop sinks, Toilet bowls, Urinals Panheel[NL]
BOBI Réemploi Bricks, Structural timber, Insulation, Finishing wood, Bricks, Windows, Doors, Finishing wood, Metalwork Lyon[FR]
Boerjan Ward BVBA Finishing wood, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, Wood from other applications, Finishing wood, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, Wagon boards and railway sleepers, Wood from other applications, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors Moerkerke[BE]
Bogers Dakpannenhandel Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Clay wall copings, Clay roof tiles Sprang-Capelle[NL]
Bois Antique Structure, Structural timber, Antique (oak) beams, Shell, Finishing wood, Barnwood, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, Wagon boards and railway sleepers, Interior finishings, Finishing wood, Barnwood, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, Wagon boards and railway sleepers, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors Zaventem[BE]
Bois et Patines Doors, Office interior elements Dives sur Mer,[FR]
Borderie Restauration Pavers, kerbs and setts, Flagstones, Structural timber, Parquet and panelling, Tiles, Fireplaces Lencloître[FR]
Bottelier Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc. Haarlem[NL]
BOUGO Antiquités Structural timber, Windows, Doors, Fireplaces Saint-Congard[FR]
Bourgogne Matériaux Anciens Pavers, kerbs and setts, Flagstones, Structural timber, Tiles, Radiators, Architectural antiques, Fireplaces, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings Marmagne[FR]
Bourgondisch Kruis NV Flagstones, Stone wall slabs, Stone flooring slabs, Natural stone elements, Steps and sills, Window tablets, Wall copings, Rubble stones and blocks, Other elements, Flagstones, Stone wall slabs, Stone flooring slabs Kuurne[BE]
Bouwfactor Finishing wood, Timber formwork panels, Barnwood, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, (Tropical) wood from maritime applications, Wagon boards and railway sleepers, Scaffolding wood, Wood from other applications, Finishing wood, Timber formwork panels, Barnwood, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, (Tropical) wood from maritime applications, Wagon boards and railway sleepers, Scaffolding wood Sliedrecht[NL]
Bouwmaterialen De Leyn Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Clay wall copings, Clay roof tiles, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks Moerkerke[BE]
Bouwmaterialen Schijndel Finishing wood, Barnwood, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, Wagon boards and railway sleepers, Scrap wood, Wood from other applications, Panels and boards, Finishing wood Schijndel[NL] Flagstones, Stone flooring slabs, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Clay roof tiles, Insulation, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Panels and boards, Wood-based panel materials, Plasterboard Genk[BE]
Broc'Antique Pavers, kerbs and setts, Flagstones, Windows, Doors, Sanitary appliances, Lights, Architectural antiques, Fireplaces Crécy-La-Chapelle[FR]
Brocante D'Antan Bricks, Tiles, Architectural antiques, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings Orsans[FR]
Brocantiek de Linde Windows, Stained-glass windows, Older windows, Doors, Panelled doors, Hardware Haskerhorne[NL]
Buitenleven - Second life wood Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Finishing wood, (Tropical) wood from maritime applications, Wagon boards and railway sleepers, Scaffolding wood, Scrap wood, Finishing wood, (Tropical) wood from maritime applications, Wagon boards and railway sleepers, Scaffolding wood, Scrap wood, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors Roosendaal [NL]
Burbri Antiek Windows, Shutters, Stained-glass windows, Doors, Panelled doors, Exterior doors, Architectural antiques Aalsmeer[NL]
Buurman Antwerpen Finishing wood, Scrap wood, Panels and boards, Wood-based panel materials, Finishing wood, Scrap wood, Solid wood floors Antwerpen[BE]
Buurman Rotterdam Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Finishing wood, Wood from other applications, Scrap wood, Panels and boards, Wood-based panel materials, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors Rotterdam[NL]
Buurman Utrecht Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Glued laminated timber, Finishing wood, Scrap wood, Panels and boards, Wood-based panel materials, Solid wood floors Utrecht[NL]
C.A. De Groot Alkmaar[NL]
C.D. De Vries Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Clay wall copings, Clay roof tiles, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks Oosterbierum[NL]
Cachard Matériaux Anciens Flagstones, Bricks, Tiles, Architectural antiques Cizay la Madeleine[FR]
Carré Dakramen Windows, Recent windows Veenendaal[NL]
Carrière de la Hazotte Pavers, kerbs and setts, Natural stone setts, Natural stone kerbs Anthisnes[BE]
Carrières de Maffle Flagstones, Stone flooring slabs, Pavers, kerbs and setts, Natural stone setts, Flagstones, Stone flooring slabs, Architectural antiques Maffle[BE]
Cerestia Flagstones, Stone wall slabs, Stone flooring slabs, Bricks, Shell, Finishing wood, Bricks, Woodwork, Doors, Interior finishings, Finishing wood, Flagstones, Stone wall slabs, Stone flooring slabs, Equipment, Sanitary appliances Montanges[FR]
Chanaud 7 Brocante Bricks, Structural timber, Clay roof tiles, Natural stone elements, Bricks, Shutters, Doors, Terracotta tiles, Architectural antiques Saint-Loup[FR]
Cheminées Camus Fils Fireplaces Saint-Ouen[FR]
Cheminées Pierres Poteries Matériaux Fireplaces Dourgne[FR]
Classic Comfort Radiators, Cast iron radiators Laakdal[BE]
Claude Augustin Fireplaces Les Chères[FR]
Collectif Mélusine Flagstones, Natural stone elements, Other elements, Finishing wood, Woodwork, Windows, Doors, Interior finishings, Finishing wood, Office interior elements, Suspended ceilings, Flagstones, Tiles, Equipment, Metalwork, Lights, LED tube fittings, Sanitary appliances, Washbasins, slop sinks, Toilet bowls Lusignan[FR]
Comec Woodwork, Doors Cholet[FR]
Composil Interior finishings, Office interior elements, Carpet tiles Wavre[BE]
Comptoir des Rues Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Finishing wood, Windows, Doors, Panels and boards, Finishing wood, Office interior elements, Tiles, Lights, Radiators, Technical equipment, Sanitary appliances, Architectural antiques Ploërmel[FR]
Comron International b.v. Technical equipment, Cooling installations, Ventilation units, Electrical installations, Electrical wiring, switchgear, etc. Uithoorn[NL]
Corvelyn Finishing wood, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, (Tropical) wood from maritime applications, Wagon boards and railway sleepers, Wood from other applications, Finishing wood, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, (Tropical) wood from maritime applications, Wagon boards and railway sleepers, Wood from other applications, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors Aalter[BE]
Cossutta Pavers, kerbs and setts, Flagstones Gandelu[FR]
Côté Portes Doors Le-Plan-de-Grasse[FR]
Crijns Maastricht[NL]
Croisade Pauvreté Belgium Windows, Older windows, Recent windows, Doors, Panelled doors Saint-Servais (Namur)[BE]
CRTC Deinze[BE]
Cycle up Paris[FR]
d'Oude Glorie Finishing wood, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, Doors, Panelled doors, Exterior doors, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors, Panelling Lierde[BE]
DAFARnaüm Structure, Shell, Woodwork, Interior finishings, Equipment Concarneau[FR]
Dakpannen Zeeland Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Clay wall copings, Clay roof tiles Middelburg[NL]
Dakpannenhandel Westera Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Natural slate Tweede Exloermon[NL]
Dam's Dakpannenhandel Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Clay wall copings, Clay roof tiles Lauwerzijl[NL]
Daniel Morel Fireplaces Péroy-les-Gombries[FR]
De Coninck Pavers, kerbs and setts, Natural stone setts, Natural stone kerbs Dendermonde[BE]
De Groene Poort Finishing wood, Windows, Shutters, Older windows, Doors, Panelled doors, Exterior doors, Finishing wood, Architectural antiques Vichte[BE]
De Kringwinkel Zuiderkempen Geel[BE]
De Mey-Fassaert Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks Beveren-Waas [BE]
De Opkamer Flagstones, Stone flooring slabs, Natural stone elements, Fireplaces, Architectural antiques Made[NL]
De Oude Dakpan Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Clay wall copings, Clay roof tiles Kortessem[BE]
De Oude Klinker Pavers, kerbs and setts, Natural stone setts, Clay pavers, Concrete pavers Beuningen[NL]
De Oude Plank Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors, Panelling Best[NL]
De Sluitsteen Architectural antiques Merchtem[BE]
De Wending sloopwerken V.O.F. Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Clay roof tiles Heinkenszand [NL]
De Wilger Hangars, greenhouses and barns, Greenhouses Huissen[NL]
Deblaere Ludwig Clay pavers, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Clay wall copings, Clay roof tiles, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors Wingene[BE]
Décapfonte Radiators Orval[FR]
Deeterink Dakpannenhandel Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Clay wall copings, Clay roof tiles Buurse[NL]
DELAN PATRICK - Antiquaires Doors, Parquet and panelling, Lights, Architectural antiques, Fireplaces Pau[FR]
Demichelis Renovation Flagstones, Pavers, kerbs and setts, Bricks, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Natural stone elements, Rubble stones and blocks, Bricks, Flagstones, Tiles Grasse[FR]
Démolition William Perreault Structural timber, Bricks, Tiles, Pavers, kerbs and setts, Flagstones, Natural stone elements, Architectural antiques, Fireplaces, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings Chambourcy[FR]
Démopur Les Eparres[FR]
Deschamps Matériaux Anciens Doors, Tiles, Architectural antiques, Fireplaces Beaune[FR]
Destijdsch Flagstones, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Doors, Panelled doors, Exterior doors, Hardware, Panels and boards, Tiles, Enamelled, ceramic tiles, Terracotta tiles, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors s-Hertogenbosch[NL]
DHK Kozijnen Maastricht[NL]
Didier Fanget Parquet and panelling Saint sixte[FR]
Doehetzelf 2dehands bouwmarkt Windows, Stained-glass windows, Older windows, Recent windows, Doors, Exterior doors Zwijndrecht[BE]
Dôme Réemploi Woodwork, Windows, Doors, Sanitary appliances Clermont-Ferrand[FR]
Donorstaal Steel beams Schaijk[NL]
DS Hortitrade Hangars, greenhouses and barns, Hangars with steel structure Monster[NL]
DU2F - Les artisans décapeurs Radiators Bordeaux[FR]
Dubois Dawance Travaux Rochefort[BE]
Dubost Père et Fils Architectural antiques Aix En Provence[FR]
Dussel Matériaux Anciens Structural timber, Doors, Architectural antiques Maisons-Alfort[FR]
E.L.S. Garden Pavers, kerbs and setts, Natural stone setts, Natural stone kerbs, Clay pavers Veerle-Laakdal[BE]
ÉcoMat Structural timber, Finishing wood Cras[FR]
Eeuwenhout Antoine Verhofstede Finishing wood, Barnwood, Finishing wood, Barnwood, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors Temse Velle[BE]
EIRL Hautot Pavers, kerbs and setts, Structural timber, Natural stone elements, Bricks Alvimare[FR]
EKO reemploi Shell, Woodwork, Doors, Interior finishings, Solid wood floors, Equipment, Sanitary appliances, Washbasins, slop sinks, Toilet bowls Le puy en Velay[FR]
Emma'Tek Bricks, Clay roof tiles, Insulation, Bricks, Woodwork, Windows, Doors, Panels and boards, Plasterboard, Tiles, Unglazed porcelain tiles, Enamelled, ceramic tiles Sanssac l'Église[FR]
Empire b.v. Doors, Panelled doors, Exterior doors, Lights, Light fittings, Metalwork, Antique (cast-iron) fences Best[NL]
Enfin!Réemploi Structural timber, Parquet and panelling, Finishing wood, Panels and boards Chambéry[FR]
Entrepôt d'Antan Structural timber, Bricks, Pavers, kerbs and setts, Flagstones L'Hôtellerie[FR]
Entreprise Durand Flagstones, Structural timber, Parquet and panelling Châtenois[FR]
Entreprise Guedou Pavers, kerbs and setts Morancez[FR]
Eric Pilatte Structural timber Dives-sur-Mer[FR]
Escaliers Lachaux Staircases Gumery[FR]
Etablissements Muller Structural steel, Architectural antiques Vervins[FR]
Européenne de négoce Pavers, kerbs and setts, Flagstones Pontarmé[FR]
Europort Structural timber, Antique (oak) beams, Finishing wood, Barnwood, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, Wagon boards and railway sleepers, Wood from other applications, Finishing wood, Barnwood, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, Wagon boards and railway sleepers, Wood from other applications, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors Pittem[BE]
Fabien Berges Flagstones, Bricks, Structural timber, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Natural stone elements, Bricks, Staircases, Flagstones, Tiles Auvillar[FR]
Fer et Pierre Landscaping and paving, Flagstones, Stone wall slabs, Stone flooring slabs, Pavers, kerbs and setts, Structure, Bricks, Shell, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Natural stone elements, Window tablets, Bricks, Staircases, Flagstones, Stone wall slabs, Stone flooring slabs, Tiles, Cement based tiles, Terracotta tiles Bretx[FR]
Fer'Antic Equipment, Metalwork, Architectural antiques Salernes[FR]
Fleurs de Fonte Radiators Quimper[FR]
Flexof Interior finishings, Wood-based panel materials, Office interior elements, Partition walls Francheville[FR]
Floorz Tiles, Unglazed porcelain tiles, Cement based tiles Kelpen-Oler[NL]
Fondaire & Cie Fireplaces Flawinne[BE]
Franck Bricks Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks Putte[BE]
Frank Pouwer Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Antique (oak) beams, Finishing wood, Barnwood, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, (Tropical) wood from maritime applications, Wagon boards and railway sleepers, Panels and boards, Finishing wood, Barnwood, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, (Tropical) wood from maritime applications, Wagon boards and railway sleepers, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors Doorwerth[NL]
Frans Damen, Historische en Retro Bouwmaterialen Windows, Stained-glass windows, Older windows, Doors, Panelled doors, Exterior doors, Hardware Arnhem[NL]
Frans Damen, Historische en Retro Bouwmaterialen Doors, Architectural antiques
Fred Stolwijk B.V. Structure, Hangars, greenhouses and barns, Hangars with steel structure, Greenhouses, Wood barns, Structural steel, Steel beams, Bricks, Structural timber, Insulation, Panels and boards, Wood-based panel materials Hazerswoude-Dorp[NL]
Frederic Matt Radiators Lissieu[FR]
Frissen Rustiek Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks Margraten[NL]
Fryns-Boret Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Architectural antiques Gistel[BE]
Gadero Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Finishing wood, Timber formwork panels, (Tropical) wood from maritime applications, Wagon boards and railway sleepers, Scaffolding wood, Scrap wood, Finishing wood, Timber formwork panels, (Tropical) wood from maritime applications, Wagon boards and railway sleepers, Scaffolding wood, Scrap wood, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors Groningen[NL]
Garnier Alban Structural timber, Parquet and panelling, Doors, Tiles, Pavers, kerbs and setts, Flagstones, Architectural antiques, Finishing wood, Natural stone elements, Radiators Saint-Étienne [FR]
Gauthey Cheminées Fireplaces Aix-en-Provence[FR]
Gebr. Sleeuwenhoek Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Clay wall copings, Clay roof tiles, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks Everdingen[NL]
Gebr. Swinkels Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Panels and boards, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors Asten[NL]
Gebr. van Mourik V.O.F. De Glind[NL]
Gebroeders de Hollander Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Clay roof tiles, Finishing wood, (Tropical) wood from maritime applications Hazerswoude[NL]
Gebroeders St. Nicolaas Dordrecht[NL]
Gebroeders Verheyen Merksplas[BE]
Gebrs. P.B.- en IJ. van Rijn Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Panels and boards, Wood-based panel materials Katwijk aan Zee[NL]
Gebruikte Bouwmaterialen Weert Structural steel, Steel beams, Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Glued laminated timber, Insulation, Doors, Panelled doors, Exterior doors, Hardware, Flush doors, Radiators, Sheet metal, aluminium and stainless steel radiators, Sanitary appliances, Washbasins, slop sinks, Toilet bowls, Urinals Weert[NL] Structural steel, Steel beams, Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Antique (oak) beams, Insulation, Windows, Recent windows, Doors, Panelled doors, Exterior doors, Hardware, Flush doors Sint-Oedenrode[NL]
Général Métal Edition Structural steel, Staircases, Architectural antiques Gonesse[FR]
Geraeds Breda Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Clay wall copings, Clay roof tiles Prinsenbeek[NL]
Geraerts kassensloop Hangars, greenhouses and barns, Greenhouses Someren[NL] Pavers, kerbs and setts, Clay pavers, Concrete pavers Alphen aan den Rijn[NL]
Gort de Pannenboer Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Clay wall copings, Clay roof tiles Vroomshoop[NL]
Grayo tailleur de pierre Pavers, kerbs and setts, Flagstones, Natural stone elements, Staircases, Tiles, Fireplaces Muzillac[FR]
Green Stones Landscaping and paving, Pavers, kerbs and setts, Natural stone setts, Natural stone kerbs, Concrete pavers, Large format concrete slabs Noyal /s Bazouges[FR]
Groep Moris Berlaar-Gestel[BE]
Grond & Sloopwerk T. van den Burg Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc. Nijkerkerveen[NL]
Groothuishandel Pavers, kerbs and setts, Natural stone setts, Clay pavers, Concrete pavers, Large format concrete slabs, Hangars, greenhouses and barns, Hangars with steel structure Klarenbeek[NL]
Guérin Cheminées Flagstones, Flagstones, Fireplaces, Architectural antiques Falaise[FR]
Gunter Bosmans Stone flooring slabs, Natural stone setts, Natural stone kerbs, Clay pavers, Concrete pavers, Solid terracotta bricks, Solid terracotta bricks Booischot[BE]
Handelsonderneming Klepper Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Antique (oak) beams, Panels and boards, Wood-based panel materials Werkendam[NL]
Hans in't Veen Windows, Older windows, Recent windows, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors Bergschenhoek[NL]
Harmonie du Logis Radon[FR]
Het arduinen hoekje Flagstones, Stone flooring slabs, Natural stone elements, Steps and sills, Other elements, Architectural antiques Vleteren[BE]
Het Oude Huis Radiators, Cast iron radiators Bergen op Zoom[NL]
Heumatop Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks Heultje[BE]
Heyns Recycling Solid terracotta bricks, Clay roof tiles Oud-Turnhout[BE]
Hispantics Staircases, Interior staircases, Windows, Shutters, Doors, Panelled doors, Exterior doors, Architectural antiques Wijnegem[BE]
Historique / Hankamp Oude Bouwmaterialen Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Antique (oak) beams, Finishing wood, Barnwood, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, Finishing wood, Barnwood, Planks sawn from (oak) beams Hardenberg[NL]
Historisch Bouwmateriaal Flagstones, Stone flooring slabs, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Structural timber, Antique (oak) beams, Natural stone elements, Steps and sills, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Doors, Panelled doors, Exterior doors, Flush doors, Architectural antiques Hengelo[NL]
Historisch Hout Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Antique (oak) beams, Finishing wood, Timber formwork panels, Barnwood, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, (Tropical) wood from maritime applications, Wood from other applications, Finishing wood, Timber formwork panels, Barnwood, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, (Tropical) wood from maritime applications, Wood from other applications, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors, Panelling Haarle[NL]
HO Van Dinteren Druten[NL]
Hobbyserres Stappaerts Hangars, greenhouses and barns, Greenhouses Tielen[BE]
Hoekstra materiaal Staircases, Interior staircases, Doors, Panelled doors, Exterior doors, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors Oldeholtpade[NL]
Hofman NV - SA Pavers, kerbs and setts, Natural stone setts, Natural stone kerbs Hofstade[BE]
Holtz Vloeren Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors Groningen[NL]
Horti-Used Hangars, greenhouses and barns, Greenhouses De Lier[NL]
HOS BV Technical equipment, Cooling installations Hillegom[NL]
Hourtin Fonte Radiators Hourtin[FR]
Hout met Historie Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Antique (oak) beams, Finishing wood, Barnwood, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, (Tropical) wood from maritime applications, Wagon boards and railway sleepers, Wood from other applications, Finishing wood, Barnwood, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, (Tropical) wood from maritime applications, Wagon boards and railway sleepers, Wood from other applications, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors, Panelling Lemmer[NL]
Houtenplaten Finishing wood, Timber formwork panels, Barnwood, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, (Tropical) wood from maritime applications, Scaffolding wood, Finishing wood, Timber formwork panels, Barnwood, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, (Tropical) wood from maritime applications, Scaffolding wood, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors, Panelling Zutendaal[BE]
Houthandel Ruiterkamp Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Panels and boards, Wood-based panel materials Olst[NL]
Houthandel Schimmel Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Finishing wood, Scrap wood, Finishing wood Wenum[NL]
HT Greenhouses Hangars, greenhouses and barns, Greenhouses De Lier[NL]
Hubert Gérard Flagstones, Structural timber, Natural stone elements Rainville[FR]
Huismus - Recupmarkt Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Insulation, Finishing wood, Scrap wood, Older windows, Recent windows, Doors, Panelled doors, Panels and boards, Wood-based panel materials, Finishing wood, Scrap wood Belzele[BE]
Identity-2 Structural timber, Antique (oak) beams, Finishing wood, Barnwood, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, Wagon boards and railway sleepers, Scrap wood, Wood from other applications, Finishing wood, Barnwood, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, Wagon boards and railway sleepers, Scrap wood, Wood from other applications, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors, Panelling Vorselaar[BE]
IDF DÉCONSTRUCTION Insulation, Doors, Partition walls, Lights, Sanitary appliances, Fireplaces Wissous[FR]
IDRE Equipment, Radiators Pau[FR]
Incomex Office interior elements Meru[FR]
Intrimex Pavers, kerbs and setts, Clay pavers Zeewolde[NL]
J. Visser Klinkers & Kasseien Pavers, kerbs and setts, Natural stone setts, Clay pavers, Concrete pavers Etten-Leur[NL]
J.H. Oosterbeek B.V. Structural steel, Steel beams, Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Doors, Panelled doors, Exterior doors, Flush doors, Radiators, Sheet metal, aluminium and stainless steel radiators, Sanitary appliances, Flushing systems, Washbasins, slop sinks, Toilet bowls, Urinals Den Helder[NL]
Jan Maarse Roosters en Trappen Staircases, Interior staircases, Metal exterior staircases Eibergen[NL]
Jan van IJken Oude Bouwmaterialen Flagstones, Stone wall slabs, Stone flooring slabs, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Clay wall copings, Clay roof tiles, Natural stone elements, Wall copings, Other elements, Bricks, Doors, Panelled doors, Exterior doors, Tiles, Enamelled, ceramic tiles, Cement based tiles, Terracotta tiles, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors, Panelling, Radiators, Cast iron radiators, Sanitary appliances, Washbasins, slop sinks, Toilet bowls, Urinals, Fireplaces Eemnes[NL]
Janssen Antieke Schouwen Fireplaces Tilburg[NL]
Jean Guy Flagstones, Flagstones, Tiles, Parquet and panelling Mons[FR]
Jean Moors Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Clay roof tiles, Clay wall copings Wauberg-Peer[BE]
Jean-Claude Bes Doors, Architectural antiques, Fireplaces, Architectural antiques Grignan[FR]
Jean-Louis GRUT sarl Hangars, greenhouses and barns, Structural steel, Steel beams Equevillon[FR]
Jef Stone Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks Geel[BE]
Johnny Menut Flagstones, Flagstones, Tiles Azé[FR]
Joris Van Apers Flagstones, Stone flooring slabs, Structural timber, Antique (oak) beams, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Clay wall copings, Clay roof tiles, Flagstones, Stone flooring slabs, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors, Fireplaces, Architectural antiques Rumst[BE]
K&G Postma Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc. Leeuwarden[NL]
Kameleon BVBA Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Glued laminated timber, Technical equipment, Electrical wiring, switchgear, etc. Zaffelare[BE]
Kanzo handelsonderneming Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Antique (oak) beams, Finishing wood, Timber formwork panels, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, (Tropical) wood from maritime applications, Wagon boards and railway sleepers, Scaffolding wood, Scrap wood, Panels and boards, Wood-based panel materials, Finishing wood, Timber formwork panels, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, (Tropical) wood from maritime applications, Wagon boards and railway sleepers, Scaffolding wood, Scrap wood, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors, Panelling Werkendam[NL]
Kasseien Goyens Pavers, kerbs and setts, Natural stone setts, Natural stone kerbs Opglabbeek[BE]
Kasseien Kindt Pavers, kerbs and setts, Natural stone setts, Natural stone kerbs Torhout[BE]
Kassico Pavers, kerbs and setts, Natural stone setts Sint-Niklaas[BE]
KempíQ Solid terracotta bricks, Natural slate, Clay roof tiles, Solid terracotta bricks, Tiles, Terracotta tiles, Architectural antiques, Architectural antiques Kesteren[NL]
Kempische Bouwmaterialen Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Clay wall copings, Clay roof tiles, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Tiles, Terracotta tiles Turnhout[BE]
Kerklaan Hangars, greenhouses and barns, Greenhouses, Structural steel, Steel beams Berkel en Rodenrijs[NL]
Kersbergen Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Tiles, Terracotta tiles Ameide[NL]
Kiek van de Kamp Hangars, greenhouses and barns, Greenhouses ‘s-Gravenzande[NL]
Klaas Mendel Wolvega[NL]
Klinkerconcurrent (Pako) Pavers, kerbs and setts, Natural stone setts, Natural stone kerbs, Clay pavers, Concrete pavers, Large format concrete slabs Vijfhuizen[NL]
KLUS de Bouwkringloop Amersfoort[NL]
Kramer Kunst en Antiek Tiles, Enamelled, ceramic tiles, Architectural antiques Wormerveer[NL]
Kringloop Centrum Utrecht De Arm Doors, Panelled doors, Sanitary appliances, Washbasins, slop sinks, Toilet bowls, Urinals Utrecht[NL]
L’habitat Sain Pavers, kerbs and setts, Natural stone elements, Bricks, Tiles Marle[FR]
L'Herminette Doors Saint-Quentin-Fallavier[FR]
La Boerderie Scaffolding wood, Scaffolding wood Piétrain[BE]
La Bois'Cyclerie Finishing wood, Finishing wood Faverges[FR]
La brocante du Bâtiment (entreprise DRS) Windows, Parquet and panelling, Architectural antiques Strasbourg[FR]
La Ferrallière Metalwork, Architectural antiques Couvertoirade (La)[FR]
La Fonte Radiators Thivars[FR]
La Grande Conserve Lodève[FR]
La Matériauthèque Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Scrap wood, Panels and boards, Scrap wood, Sanitary appliances Tournai[BE]
La Pierre de Jadis Charentilly[FR]
La Regratterie Migné-Auxances[FR]
La réserve des Arts Doors, Tiles, Finishing wood, Panels and boards Paris[FR]
La ressourcerie de la Miraille Windows, Doors, Parquet and panelling, Tiles, Sanitary appliances, Radiators, Lights L’Argentière-la-Bessée[FR]
La Ressourcerie du Cinéma Windows, Doors, Panels and boards Montreuil[FR]
La ressourcerie verte
Labeur Atelier - Labeur Planks sawn from (oak) beams, Scaffolding wood, Scrap wood, Wood-based panel materials, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, Scaffolding wood, Scrap wood, Gratings, Gates and fences Gent[BE, BE], Gent[BE, BE]
Labrouche Antiquaire de Matériaux Doors, Parquet and panelling, Architectural antiques Aytré[FR]
Labrouche Matériaux Anciens Flagstones, Natural stone elements, Tiles, Architectural antiques, Fireplaces Montendre[FR]
Lac Francis Doors Saint Simon[FR]
Lagemaat B.V. Scrap wood, Wood-based panel materials Heerde[NL]
Lambert Maçonnerie Pavers, kerbs and setts, Flagstones, Natural stone elements, Doors, Staircases, Architectural antiques, Fireplaces Courtevaix[FR]
Lamplord / 't Lodderijntje Lights, Light fittings Soest[NL]
Lapierre Rofani Parquet and panelling, Doors, Flagstones, Natural stone elements Saint-Maurice-de-Satonnay[FR]
Lascombes Matériaux Anciens Pavers, kerbs and setts, Natural stone setts, Bricks, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Bricks, Tiles, Terracotta tiles, Solid wood floors, Electrical installations Soindres[FR]
Lascombes Matériaux Anciens Sud-Ouest Pavers, kerbs and setts, Flagstones, Architectural antiques, Sanitary appliances, Fireplaces, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings Saint-Laurent-la-Vallée[FR]
LD Matériaux Démolition Flagstones, Structural timber, Bricks, Tiles, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings BUCHERES[FR]
Le Grenier Beaujolais Flagstones, Staircases, Architectural antiques Lissieu[FR]
Le Parpaing — Association Zerm Roubaix[FR]
Le Plateau Circulaire Radiators, Sanitary appliances Grentheville[FR]
Le Radiateur Fonte Radiators Vigneux-Sur-Seine[FR]
Le repair Structural timber, Insulation, Windows, Doors, Office interior elements, Tiles, Parquet and panelling, Technical equipment, Sanitary appliances Pleyber-christ[FR]
Le Sabot Rouge Pavers, kerbs and setts, Flagstones, Natural stone elements, Radiators, Lights, Architectural antiques Argilliers[FR]
Leen - Oude Bouwmaterialen Windows, Shutters, Stained-glass windows, Doors, Panelled doors, Exterior doors, Hardware, Fireplaces, Architectural antiques Valkenburg[NL]
Legens Flagstones, Tiles Reignac-sur-Indre[FR]
Legros Démolition Stone flooring slabs, Structural steel, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Bricks, Stone flooring slabs Seraing[BE]
Lemiere Matériaux Anciens Pavers, kerbs and setts, Flagstones, Structural timber, Natural stone elements, Bricks, Windows, Staircases, Tiles, Architectural antiques, Fireplaces, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings Valaurie [FR]
Leon Van den Bogaert Flagstones, Stone flooring slabs, Fireplaces Kalken[BE]
Les Ateliers de la Bruyère Structural timber, Insulation, Finishing wood, Woodwork, Finishing wood, Radiators, Technical equipment, Sanitary appliances Langeac[FR]
Les Ateliers de Saint Gaudent Structural timber, Parquet and panelling Saint-Gaudent[FR]
Les Bâtineurs Structural timber, Insulation, Finishing wood, Woodwork, Windows, Doors, Finishing wood, Office interior elements, Radiators, Sanitary appliances Le Petit Quevilly[FR]
Les Compagnons d'Ovraigne Pavers, kerbs and setts, Flagstones, Tiles, Fireplaces Viroflay[FR]
Les Matériaux Anciens Flagstones, Stone flooring slabs, Bricks, Shell, Bricks, Interior finishings, Flagstones, Stone flooring slabs, Terracotta tiles, Parquet and panelling, Architectural antiques Saint-Fargeau[FR]
Les matériaux anciens Jean Chabaud Flagstones, Structural timber, Natural stone elements, Bricks, Architectural antiques, Fireplaces, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings Apt[FR]
Les Matériaux d'Antan Tiles, Fireplaces Brains sur Gée[FR]
Les Matériaux D'Autrefois Parquet and panelling, Flagstones Neufchâteau[FR]
Les Mémoires d'Adrien(Alain Bidal) Flagstones, Natural stone elements, Flagstones, Fireplaces, Architectural antiques L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue[FR]
Les Restaurateurs du Patrimoine Pavers, kerbs and setts, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Natural stone elements, Staircases, Flagstones, Sanitary appliances, Fireplaces, Architectural antiques Bassillac et Auberoche[FR]
Les Valoristes Bourguignons Shell, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Insulation, Woodwork, Windows, Doors, Tiles, Equipment, Handrails and balustrades, Lights, Light fittings, Radiators, Cast iron radiators, Technical equipment, Electrical installations, Electrical wiring, switchgear, etc., Sanitary appliances Champforgeuil[FR]
Liégeois Marc Flagstones, Stone flooring slabs, Natural stone elements, Steps and sills, Other elements, Tiles, Terracotta tiles Thimister[BE]
Lieval & Fils - Les Vieilles Pierres Architectural antiques, Fireplaces Beurlay[FR]
Ligerio Architectural antiques, Fireplaces Mouzay[FR]
Louise-Marie Fireplaces De Pinte[BE]
Loveren Baarle-Nassau[NL]
LPasse Design Beaucaire[FR]
Luijtgaarden Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Clay wall copings, Clay roof tiles Standdaarbuiten[NL]
LV Trading Technical equipment, Electrical installations Rotterdam[NL]
Made In Past Réemploi Flagstones, Structural timber, Insulation, Windows, Doors, Parquet and panelling, Tiles, Office interior elements, Sanitary appliances, Technical equipment, Lights Lyon [FR]
Magazzino Interior staircases, Shutters, Older windows, Recent windows, Panelled doors, Exterior doors, Hardware, Flush doors, Light fittings Bierbeek[BE]
Maison Belle Epoque Doors, Panelled doors, Exterior doors, Hardware, Tiles, Unglazed porcelain tiles, Enamelled, ceramic tiles Meersel-Dreef[BE]
Maison de Brenet Radiators, Cast iron radiators Schinvel[NL]
Maison du Réemploi Structural timber, Finishing wood, Windows, Doors, Finishing wood, Office interior elements, Sanitary appliances Nancy[FR]
Maison Forain Annecy-le-Vieux[FR]
Mammoet - Oude Bouwmaterialen Staircases, Doors, Panelled doors, Hardware, Tiles, Enamelled, ceramic tiles, Fireplaces, Architectural antiques Den Haag[NL]
Marbrerie Crombé Flagstones, Stone wall slabs, Stone flooring slabs, Flagstones, Stone wall slabs, Stone flooring slabs, Fireplaces Bruxelles[BE]
Marc Maison Parquet and panelling, Doors, Tiles, Architectural antiques, Fireplaces Saint-Ouen[FR]
Maris Natuursteen Flagstones, Stone flooring slabs, Pavers, kerbs and setts, Natural stone setts Heist-op-den-Berg[BE]
Marquet Flagstones, Stone flooring slabs, Natural stone elements, Steps and sills, Other elements Gomzé-Andoumont (Sprimont)[BE]
Martens & Dochters Tiles, Unglazed porcelain tiles, Cement based tiles, Terracotta tiles, Fireplaces Alphen[NL]
Martijn Kozijn Windows, Recent windows Meerssen[NL]
Marubo Rustieke Bouwmaterialen Flagstones, Stone flooring slabs, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Clay roof tiles, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Fireplaces Harelbeke[BE]
MAS Réemploi Le Crès[FR]
Materialenbank Leuven Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Finishing wood, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, Scaffolding wood, Scrap wood, Wood-based panel materials, Finishing wood, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, Scaffolding wood, Scrap wood Herent[BE]
Matériauthèque les Chutes de la Dore Insulation, Woodwork, Tiles, Sanitary appliances Marsac en Livradois[FR]
Matériaux Anciens A. Lavillaugouet Tiles Canapville[FR]
Matériaux Anciens du Nord Tiles Dourler[FR]
Matériaux Anciens du Pays d'Auge Pavers, kerbs and setts, Flagstones, Structural timber, Natural stone elements, Bricks, Doors, Tiles, Architectural antiques, Fireplaces, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings Vimoutiers[FR]
Matériaux Anciens du Sud Saint-Christol-lès-Alès[FR]
Matériaux Anciens Jean-Claude Lenfant Tiles Villeblevin[FR]
Matériaux Authentiques Finishing wood, Doors, Finishing wood, Tiles, Parquet and panelling, Sanitary appliances Tourcoing[FR]
Matériaux d'Antan Pavers, kerbs and setts, Flagstones, Structural timber, Bricks, Windows, Doors, Parquet and panelling, Radiators, Architectural antiques, Fireplaces, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Finishing wood La Mézière[FR]
Matériaux d'Antan Flagstones, Tiles, Architectural antiques, Fireplaces Aix en Provence[FR]
Matériaux Nobles Gazut et fils Eure-et-Loir Structural timber, Parquet and panelling, Tiles, Flagstones, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings Ste Feyre[FR]
Métabatik Structural steel, Windows, Doors, Sanitary appliances, Technical equipment, Lights, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Panels and boards CLERMONT-FERRAND[FR]
Métamo Structural steel, Metalwork Colomiers[FR]
Meulders & Zoon Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks Heist-op-den-Berg[BE]
Michel Matériaux Anciens Pavers, kerbs and setts, Flagstones, Bricks, Doors, Parquet and panelling, Tiles, Architectural antiques, Fireplaces, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings Auxerre[FR]
Minéka Villeurbanne [FR]
ML Hout Panels and boards, Wood-based panel materials Nieuwkoop[NL]
Mobius Office interior elements Rosny-sous-Bois[FR]
MULTIMAT Flagstones, Pavers, kerbs and setts, Bricks, Natural stone elements, Bricks, Flagstones, Parquet and panelling Bosc-le-Hard[FR]
Mundimat Dakmaterialen Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Clay wall copings, Clay roof tiles Kelpen[NL]
MVV Afbraakwerken Martin Wortegem-Petegem[BE]
mySTILES Tiles, Unglazed porcelain tiles, Cement based tiles Buggenhout[BE]
N.Mijnders Pavers, kerbs and setts, Large format concrete slabs Melissant[NL]
Naturstein Vonderhecken Pavers, kerbs and setts, Natural stone setts, Natural stone kerbs, Natural stone elements, Steps and sills, Window tablets, Other elements Raeren[BE]
Nedelec Pavers, kerbs and setts, Flagstones, Natural stone elements, Fireplaces Landivisiau[FR]
Neerhof Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Antique (oak) beams, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors Ottenburg[BE]
Nieuwe gebruikte / Handelsonderneming Berg Structural steel, Steel beams, Hangars, greenhouses and barns, Hangars with steel structure 's-Gravenzande[NL]
Nobléma Pavers, kerbs and setts, Flagstones Drumettaz-Clarafond[FR]
Nord Antique Fireplaces Seclin[FR]
Occa Mat Structural steel, Windows, Doors, Architectural antiques, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings Sallebœuf[FR]
Omgekeerd Bouwen Structural steel, Steel beams, Insulation, Panels and boards, Wood-based panel materials, Solid wood floors, Lights, Light fittings, Radiators, Sheet metal, aluminium and stainless steel radiators Tubbergen[NL]
Opal'Réemploi Windows, Doors, Sanitary appliances, Technical equipment, Architectural antiques Boulogne sur Mer [FR]
OPREC Structural steel, Insulation, Windows, Doors, Plasterboard, Partition walls, Suspended ceilings, Metalwork, Lights, Technical equipment, Electrical installations, Electrical wiring, switchgear, etc. Fleury-les-Aubrais[FR]
Orak Carpet tiles Villebon sur Yvette[FR]
Origines Architectural antiques, Fireplaces Richebourg[FR]
Orimenta Solid terracotta bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Architectural antiques Ootmarsum[NL]
Oud Pakhuys Flagstones, Stone flooring slabs, Natural stone elements, Steps and sills, Window tablets, Other elements, Tiles, Terracotta tiles Sint Lenaarts[BE]
Oudbouw handel Arum[NL]
Oude Deur Doors, Panelled doors, Exterior doors, Hardware Nieuwkoop[NL]
Oude Nijeweme Slates, roof tiles and wall copings Beuningen[NL] Doors, Panelled doors, Exterior doors Zeist[NL]
P. van Horne B.V. Hangars, greenhouses and barns, Greenhouses Vlierden[NL]
Paepen Leo Flagstones, Stone flooring slabs, Natural stone elements, Steps and sills, Window tablets, Other elements Vorselaar[BE]
Paesen Bouw-Expo Pavers, kerbs and setts, Natural stone setts, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks Peer[BE]
Panneaux Leontine Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Finishing wood, Timber formwork panels, Scaffolding wood, Finishing wood, Timber formwork panels, Scaffolding wood Assesse[BE]
Parlons Pierre Flagstones, Natural stone elements, Flagstones, Architectural antiques Dourgne[FR]
Pascal Stephan Matériaux Anciens Flagstones, Tiles, Architectural antiques, Fireplaces, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings MENETREUX LE PITOIS[FR]
Patxa'ma Structural timber, Windows, Doors, Parquet and panelling, Lights, Technical equipment Bayonne[FR]
Pavés de rue Pavers, kerbs and setts Fontenay-sur-Eure[FR]
Pekaar Pavers, kerbs and setts, Natural stone setts, Clay pavers, Concrete pavers Yerseke[NL]
Pepe Matériaux Parquet and panelling, Finishing wood Torpes[FR]
Pesce Taille de Pierres Pavers, kerbs and setts, Flagstones, Natural stone elements, Bricks, Tiles, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings Vidauban[FR]
Peter Looijen sr. Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Clay wall copings, Clay roof tiles Rhenen[NL]
Petti Matériaux Anciens Pavers, kerbs and setts, Flagstones, Structural timber, Bricks, Tiles, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings Roquebrune-sur-Argens[FR]
Philippe Des Garets Structural timber, Parquet and panelling, Doors, Bricks, Tiles, Pavers, kerbs and setts, Flagstones, Architectural antiques, Windows, Fireplaces Marolles-en-Hurepoix[FR]
Pierres & Jardins d'Autrefois Pavers, kerbs and setts, Flagstones, Structural timber, Natural stone elements, Bricks, Windows, Tiles, Architectural antiques, Fireplaces, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings Les arcs sur argens[FR]
Piet Jonker Flagstones, Stone flooring slabs, Tiles, Unglazed porcelain tiles, Enamelled, ceramic tiles, Cement based tiles, Terracotta tiles, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors, Panelling, Fireplaces, Architectural antiques Baambrugge[NL]
Planète réemploi Structure, Structural steel, Structural timber, Shell, Finishing wood, Woodwork, Staircases, Windows, Doors, Interior finishings, Finishing wood, Office interior elements, Tiles, Parquet and panelling, Equipment, Metalwork, Lights, Technical equipment, Electrical installations, Sanitary appliances, Architectural antiques Champagné les marais[FR]
Plateforme de réemploi des matériaux de voirie de la Ville de Paris Pavers, kerbs and setts Bonneuil-sur-Marne[FR]
Poelman V.O.F Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Clay wall copings, Clay roof tiles, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Doors, Panelled doors, Tiles, Cement based tiles, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors Grootegast[NL]
Pompeji c.v. Fireplaces, Architectural antiques PP Biddinghuizen[NL]
Portes anciennes Philippe Varnier Doors Peyrolles en Provence[FR]
Portes Antiques et Rééditions Doors Les Beaumettes[FR]
Pougin G Flagstones, Stone flooring slabs, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors Marenne (Hotton)[BE]
PRCE Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Antique (oak) beams, Timber formwork panels, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, Scaffolding wood, Wood from other applications, Timber formwork panels, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, Scaffolding wood, Wood from other applications Brakel[BE]
PREMYS agence Ferrari Structural timber, Structural steel, Technical equipment Wittelshe[FR]
Proclus Equipment, Lights, LED tube fittings, Tracks and spotlights, Light fittings, Radiators, Technical equipment, Emergency power generators, Cooling installations, Ventilation units, Electrical installations, Electrical wiring, switchgear, etc. Vitry-sur-Seine[FR]
Provence Matériaux Anciens Structural timber, Bricks, Parquet and panelling, Tiles Comps[FR]
Provence Portes Anciennes Doors, Lights, Architectural antiques ROAIX[FR]
Provence Retrouvée Tiles L'Isle sur la Sorgue[FR]
Provence Vieux Matériaux Brachet Tiles, Flagstones
Queen of the South Doors, Panelled doors, Exterior doors, Hardware, Architectural antiques Genk [BE]
Quercy Périgord Matériaux Anciens Pavers, kerbs and setts, Flagstones, Tiles Anglars-Nozac[FR]
R+éveil Insulation, Doors, Office interior elements, Sanitary appliances, Technical equipment, Radiators, Lights Marseille[FR]
Radiastyl Radiators DUNKERQUE[FR]
Rambuteau Renoud-Grappin Doors, Parquet and panelling, Architectural antiques, Fireplaces Charbonnières[FR]
Rawcreations Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Antique (oak) beams, Finishing wood, Timber formwork panels, Barnwood, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, (Tropical) wood from maritime applications, Scaffolding wood, Scrap wood, Wood from other applications, Finishing wood, Timber formwork panels, Barnwood, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, (Tropical) wood from maritime applications, Scaffolding wood, Scrap wood, Wood from other applications, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors Laakdal[BE]
RCB Carrelages Pavers, kerbs and setts, Flagstones, Bricks, Tiles, Architectural antiques, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings Grimaud[FR]
RéaVie Windows, Doors, Office interior elements, Tiles, Lights, Sanitary appliances La Courneuve[FR]
Rebricks B.V. Pavers, kerbs and setts, Natural stone kerbs, Clay pavers, Concrete pavers Lijnden[NL]
Recupan bvba Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Natural slate, Clay wall copings, Clay roof tiles Waregem[BE]
Recuphout Finishing wood, Scrap wood, Wood from other applications, Finishing wood, Scrap wood, Wood from other applications
Recuplan Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Panels and boards, Wood-based panel materials Mechelen[BE]
Recycle-Avenir Structural timber, Doors, Bricks, Tiles, Flagstones, Windows, Structural steel, Finishing wood, Natural stone elements, Insulation, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Panels and boards Marseille[FR]
Recyclo'Bat Bricks, Structural timber, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Bricks, Doors, Panels and boards, Tiles, Parquet and panelling, Sanitary appliances TOULOUSE[FR]
Réempro Structure, Bricks, Shell, Insulation, Bricks, Woodwork, Doors, Interior finishings, Panels and boards, Office interior elements, Parquet and panelling, Equipment, Sanitary appliances RONCHIN [FR]
Regts - Antieke Tegels Tiles, Enamelled, ceramic tiles Franeker[NL]
Rekup Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Panels and boards, Wood-based panel materials Schelle[BE]
RéMaBat Landscaping and paving, Structure, Structural steel, Structural timber, Shell, Insulation, Finishing wood, Woodwork, Windows, Doors, Interior finishings, Finishing wood, Office interior elements, Carpet tiles, Raised floors, Partition walls, Suspended ceilings, Tiles, Parquet and panelling, Equipment, Metalwork, Lights, Radiators, Technical equipment, Sanitary appliances Felletin[FR]
Remise Nancy[FR]
Rémy Motte Antiquaire & Décorateur Structural timber, Finishing wood, Panels and boards, Finishing wood, Parquet and panelling Villeneuve-d'Ascq[FR]
Renaissance Concepts Flagstones, Structural timber, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Flagstones, Tiles, Parquet and panelling, Fireplaces, Architectural antiques Ville-sous-la-Ferté[FR]
Rénove Fonte Radiators Chantecoq[FR]
Renzo van Engelen - Antieke Marmeren Schouwen Fireplaces Rotterdam[NL]
Restocop Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Antique (oak) beams, Finishing wood, Finishing wood, Barnwood, (Tropical) wood from maritime applications, Wagon boards and railway sleepers, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors Hamont-Achel[BE]
Retrival-Cornermat Couillet[BE]
Rewood Structure, Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Shell, Insulation, Finishing wood, Interior finishings, Panels and boards, Wood-based panel materials, Finishing wood, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors, Panelling Roubaix[FR]
Robuust Barnwood Finishing wood, Barnwood, Finishing wood, Barnwood, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors, Panelling Geleen[NL]
Rossignol Démolition Slates, roof tiles and wall copings Montesson[FR]
Rotondo Lavier SARL Pavers, kerbs and setts, Flagstones, Natural stone elements, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings Baineux Les Juifs[FR]
Rotor Deconstruction Flagstones, Stone wall slabs, Natural stone elements, Window tablets, Finishing wood, Scrap wood, Doors, Panelled doors, Fire doors, Hardware, Flush doors, Panels and boards, Wood-based panel materials, Finishing wood, Scrap wood, Flagstones, Stone wall slabs, Tiles, Unglazed porcelain tiles, Enamelled, ceramic tiles, Cement based tiles, Lights, Tracks and spotlights, Light fittings, Sanitary appliances, Washbasins, slop sinks, Toilet bowls, Urinals Bruxelles[BE]
Rova Evere[BE]
Rue des Antiquaires - Joël Trac Doors, Tiles, Pavers, kerbs and setts, Architectural antiques, Sanitary appliances, Staircases, Fireplaces Domfront-en-Poiraie[FR]
RV Bouw- en sloopmaterialen Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Windows, Recent windows, Doors, Panelled doors, Flush doors, Panels and boards, Wood-based panel materials Maastricht[NL]
SA Applanat Technical equipment Domazan[FR]
Saint Emilion Matériaux Flagstones, Natural stone elements, Tiles, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings Saint-Emilion[FR]
Saluzzo & Fils Pavers, kerbs and setts, Flagstones, Structural timber, Bricks, Tiles, Architectural antiques, Fireplaces, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings Montauroux[FR]
Sarda Flagstones, Natural stone setts, Natural stone kerbs, Natural stone elements, Window tablets, Steps and sills, Rubble stones and blocks, Other elements, Flagstones, Stone wall slabs, Stone flooring slabs Grazac[FR]
SARL Caro Davin Flagstones, Pavers, kerbs and setts, Flagstones, Tiles, Architectural antiques Cabrières[FR]
SARL Perrin Structural steel, Architectural antiques Saulxures[FR]
SAS ETABLISSEMENTS NOGUES Architectural antiques, Structural steel, Staircases Colomiers[FR]
Schijf Restoric Windows, Shutters, Stained-glass windows, Older windows, Recent windows, Doors, Panelled doors, Exterior doors, Hardware, Panels and boards, Wood-based panel materials, Radiators, Sheet metal, aluminium and stainless steel radiators, Sanitary appliances, Washbasins, slop sinks, Toilet bowls, Urinals Uithoorn[NL]
Serge Verzeretti Doors Saint-Étienne[FR]
Serrurerie Ancienne Antiquités Architectural antiques Egliseneuve près Billom[FR]
Siléo Windows, Doors, Parquet and panelling, Tiles, Sanitary appliances, Radiators, Lights Montrevault-sur-Evre[FR]
SK-Démolition Pavers, kerbs and setts, Structural timber, Natural stone elements, Bricks, Architectural antiques, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings Magny-Fouchard[FR] Pavers, kerbs and setts, Clay pavers Culemborg[NL] Finishing wood, Scrap wood, Wood from other applications, Finishing wood, Scrap wood, Wood from other applications
Sloopwerken Van Kessel & Zn. Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Antique (oak) beams, Insulation, Windows, Recent windows, Doors, Exterior doors, Flush doors, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors Sint Oedenrode[NL]
Smicval Market Flagstones, Pavers, kerbs and setts, Structural steel, Bricks, Structural timber, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Insulation, Natural stone elements, Finishing wood, Bricks, Staircases, Windows, Doors, Panels and boards, Finishing wood, Office interior elements, Flagstones, Tiles, Parquet and panelling, Lights, Radiators, Technical equipment, Sanitary appliances, Architectural antiques Vayres[FR]
Snellen Structural steel, Steel beams, Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Antique (oak) beams, Doors, Panelled doors, Exterior doors, Hardware, Panels and boards, Wood-based panel materials, Sanitary appliances, Washbasins, slop sinks, Toilet bowls, Urinals Rijsbergen[NL]
Société Mâconnaise des Cheminées Anciennes Flagstones, Lights, Radiators, Fireplaces, Architectural antiques Mâcon[FR]
Société Matériaux de tradition Fireplaces, Architectural antiques Narbonne[FR]
Soekijad Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors Heerhugowaard[NL]
Soli'Bât Artigues-près-Bordeaux[FR]
Soli'Bât Saint-Pierre-des-Corps, France[FR]
Solines B.V. Structural steel, Steel beams Moerdijk[NL]
Spaces4you Office interior elements, Partition walls Lelystad[NL]
Sparo Office interior elements, Carpet tiles Herveld[NL] Planks sawn from (oak) beams, (Tropical) wood from maritime applications, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, (Tropical) wood from maritime applications Deurne[BE]
Stadsmijn Achterhoek Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Sanitary appliances, Washbasins, slop sinks, Toilet bowls, Urinals Groenlo[NL]
Stalen Rijplaten Finishing wood, (Tropical) wood from maritime applications, Finishing wood, (Tropical) wood from maritime applications Temse[BE]
Status Aparte Flagstones, Stone flooring slabs, Flagstones, Stone flooring slabs, Fireplaces Gembloux[BE]
Steel Alive Structure, Structural steel, Steel beams Cavaillon[FR] Finishing wood, Timber formwork panels, Finishing wood, Timber formwork panels Zuidwolde[NL]
Stef Antiek Doors, Panelled doors, Exterior doors, Hardware Bonheiden[BE]
Stone Base Pavers, kerbs and setts, Natural stone setts, Clay pavers, Concrete pavers s-Hertogenbosch[NL]
Stroeckx Afbraakwerken Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Clay wall copings, Clay roof tiles, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Tiles Wommelgem[BE]
Sturm en Dekker Structural steel, Steel beams, Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Doors, Panelled doors, Exterior doors, Panels and boards, Wood-based panel materials, Finishing wood, Scrap wood, Sanitary appliances, Washbasins, slop sinks, Toilet bowls, Urinals Goes[NL]
Style & Steel Lights, Light fittings Colombes[FR]
Swanenberg IJzer Groep Structural steel, Steel beams Schaijk[NL, NL, NL, NL], Heusden[NL, NL, NL, NL], Beuningen[NL, NL, NL, NL], Spijk[NL, NL, NL, NL]
t Achterhuis Flagstones, Stone wall slabs, Stone flooring slabs, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Natural stone elements, Steps and sills, Window tablets, Wall copings, Other elements, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Doors, Panelled doors, Exterior doors, Hardware, Tiles, Unglazed porcelain tiles, Enamelled, ceramic tiles, Cement based tiles, Terracotta tiles, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors, Panelling, Fireplaces, Architectural antiques Udenhout[NL]
Te-Bi Bestratingsmaterialen Pavers, kerbs and setts, Natural stone setts, Clay pavers Montfoort[NL]
Ten Bellinck Fireplaces Deftinge[BE]
ter Meer Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Clay wall copings, Clay roof tiles Koekange[NL]
Textifloor La Madeleine[FR, FR], Vitry-sur-Seine[FR, FR]
The Reclamation Yard Structural timber, Parquet and panelling Ansac-sur-Vienne[FR]
Time Less Doors, Panelled doors, Metalwork, Antique (cast-iron) fences, Architectural antiques Retie[BE]
TK Hergebruik HPL panels, Office interior elements, Carpet tiles, Partition walls Amstelveen[NL]
TN Slopen & Saneren Structural steel, Steel beams, Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc. Scharsterbrug[NL]
Tonner Matériaux Anciens Structural timber, Flagstones, Architectural antiques, Fireplaces Lorgues[FR]
Tricycle Doors, Office interior elements, Lights, Radiators, Technical equipment, Sanitary appliances Gennevilliers[FR]
Trost Carrelages Anciens Flagstones, Tiles Juign sur Loire[FR]
Tuinmaterialen Meynen Pavers, kerbs and setts, Natural stone setts, Natural stone kerbs, Clay pavers Meerhout[BE]
Uenk Bouw- en Sloopmaterialen B.V. Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Clay wall copings, Clay roof tiles de Vecht[NL]
Uitdragerij Arie Boer Doors, Panelled doors, Exterior doors, Architectural antiques Giessenburg[NL]
Urbastone Pavers, kerbs and setts Hazebrouck[FR]
Valence Atelier Libre Structural timber, Insulation, Finishing wood, Panels and boards, Finishing wood Montmeyran[FR]
Van Baal Materiaalhandel Structural steel, Steel beams, Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Insulation, Windows, Recent windows Herveld[NL]
Van de Kraats en Bouw B.V. Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Clay wall copings, Clay roof tiles Ede[NL]
Van De Noort Pavers, kerbs and setts, Natural stone setts, Clay pavers, Concrete pavers Susteren[NL]
Van den Elzen & Verbruggen Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Clay wall copings, Clay roof tiles Erp[NL]
Van Der Vleuten Structural steel, Steel beams, Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Doors, Panelled doors, Flush doors Best[NL]
Van der Wal Sloopwerken Structural steel, Steel beams, Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Insulation, Staircases, Interior staircases, Metal exterior staircases, Windows, Recent windows, Doors, Panelled doors, Exterior doors Joure[NL]
Van Dijck Pavers, kerbs and setts, Natural stone setts, Natural stone kerbs Milmort[BE]
Van Elsen - Wood Finishing wood, Timber formwork panels, Scaffolding wood, Finishing wood, Scaffolding wood Herseaux[BE]
Van Hameren Houthandel Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Antique (oak) beams, Finishing wood, Timber formwork panels, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, (Tropical) wood from maritime applications, Scaffolding wood, Wood from other applications, Finishing wood, Timber formwork panels, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, (Tropical) wood from maritime applications, Scaffolding wood, Wood from other applications, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors, Panelling Ter Aar[NL]
Van Harn Pavers, kerbs and setts, Clay pavers Wekerom[NL]
Van Houtte Rustieke Bouwmaterialen Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Clay wall copings, Clay roof tiles Lichtervelde[BE]
Van Huele Flagstones, Stone flooring slabs, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Clay wall copings, Clay roof tiles, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks Beernem[BE]
Van Hyfte & Co Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Clay wall copings, Clay roof tiles, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks Sint-Laureins[BE]
Van Laarhoven Structural steel, Steel beams, Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Staircases, Interior staircases, Windows, Recent windows, Doors, Panelled doors, Exterior doors, Hardware, Flush doors, Radiators, Cast iron radiators, Sheet metal, aluminium and stainless steel radiators Dongen[NL]
Van Rijswijk Oisterwijk[NL]
Van Roy Kasseien Architectural antiques Grashoek[NL]
Vandemoortel Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Natural slate, Clay wall copings, Clay roof tiles, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks Zarren[BE]
Vanhaelemeesch BVBA Flagstones, Stone flooring slabs, Structural timber, Antique (oak) beams, Natural stone elements, Steps and sills, Other elements, Finishing wood, Wagon boards and railway sleepers, Staircases, Interior staircases, Antique (cast iron) staircases, Doors, Panelled doors, Exterior doors, Hardware, Finishing wood, Wagon boards and railway sleepers, Tiles, Terracotta tiles, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors, Metalwork, Antique (cast-iron) fences, Radiators, Cast iron radiators, Fireplaces, Architectural antiques Oostkamp[BE]
Vansieleghem BVBA Pavers, kerbs and setts, Natural stone setts Ichtegem[BE]
Veldman Bouwmaterialen Bergeijk[NL]
Vergnaud Entreprise Flagstones, Structural timber, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Natural stone elements, Flagstones Saint Jean d'Ataux[FR]
Verhoye Freddy Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Clay wall copings, Clay roof tiles Wingene[BE]
Vermeulen & zn sloopwerken Insulation, Doors, Panelled doors, Exterior doors, Hardware, Panels and boards, Wood-based panel materials, HPL panels, Lights, LED tube fittings, Light fittings, Radiators, Sheet metal, aluminium and stainless steel radiators, Sanitary appliances, Washbasins, slop sinks, Toilet bowls, Urinals Breda[NL]
Verschaeve Michel nv Doors, Panelled doors, Exterior doors, Fireplaces, Architectural antiques Kuurne[BE]
Verwijst Bouwmaterialen Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Staircases, Interior staircases, Metal exterior staircases, Windows, Older windows, Recent windows, Doors, Panelled doors, Exterior doors, Metalwork, Gates and fences, Radiators, Sheet metal, aluminium and stainless steel radiators Uden[NL]
Vestiges de France Bricks, Tiles, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings Coullons[FR]
Vesto Technical equipment Compans[FR, FR], Paris[FR, FR]
Vieille France Structural timber, Antique (oak) beams Biest-Houtakker[NL]
Vieux bois des Alpes Structural timber, Parquet and panelling, Finishing wood Saint-Jean-De-Sixt[FR]
Vieux Granits Flagstones, Architectural antiques, Natural stone elements Baud[FR]
Vintage Carrelage Tiles Lachapelle-sous-Rougemont[FR]
VRT International Technical equipment, Cooling installations, Ventilation units, Electrical installations Mijdrecht[NL]
VSB Sierbestratingen Flagstones, Stone flooring slabs, Pavers, kerbs and setts, Natural stone setts, Clay pavers Druten[NL]
Walstra Antieke Bouwmaterialen b.v. Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Doors, Panelled doors, Hardware, Tiles, Unglazed porcelain tiles, Enamelled, ceramic tiles, Cement based tiles, Terracotta tiles, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors, Architectural antiques Bolsward[NL]
Weij Finishing wood, Barnwood, Wagon boards and railway sleepers, Panels and boards, Wood-based panel materials, Finishing wood, Barnwood, Wagon boards and railway sleepers, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors, Panelling Rucphen[NL]
Weltens Recycling Solid terracotta bricks Neerpelt[BE]
Westvlaamse Steencentrale Nv Stone flooring slabs, Pavers, kerbs and setts, Natural stone setts, Natural stone kerbs, Clay pavers, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Slates, roof tiles and wall copings, Clay wall copings, Clay roof tiles, Bricks, Solid terracotta bricks, Stone flooring slabs, Tiles, Cement based tiles, Terracotta tiles Wevelgem[BE]
Willem Schermerhorn Fireplaces Haarlem[NL]
Wolter Bouwmaterialen Structural steel, Steel beams, Structural timber, Trusses, beams, rafters, etc., Insulation, Finishing wood, Scrap wood, Windows, Recent windows, Doors, Panelled doors, Exterior doors, Flush doors, Finishing wood, Scrap wood, Parquet and panelling, Solid wood floors Koumen[NL]
Woodfarm Finishing wood, Barnwood, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, (Tropical) wood from maritime applications, Wagon boards and railway sleepers, Wood from other applications, Finishing wood, Barnwood, Planks sawn from (oak) beams, (Tropical) wood from maritime applications, Wagon boards and railway sleepers, Wood from other applications Werkendam[NL]