Technical equipment

Various companies specialise in buying and selling technical equipment from industrial and other large buildings. For demolition and renovation projects, it is therefore useful to check whether large installations such as ventilation units or chillers can be reclaimed. Some dealers also offer smaller technical equipment, such as air conditioners. These elements can be interesting and cheap alternatives for new projects.

All this equipment has the advantage that it is usually equipped with a sign, which makes it easy to identify the model and its main technical characteristics. In some cases, these installations have a maintenance book with interesting information about their maintenance. Sometimes they are even covered by a maintenance contract, which may be "moved" together with the equipment to another building. 


Emergency power generators

Emergency power generators are also available from specialised dealers, after a thorough revisioning. 

Cooling installations

Cooling installations such as chillers and compressors for large office buildings or industrial applications are available from a few specialised companies that completely revise the machines, test them and sell them back with the necessary certificates. Sometimes new installations are also assembled from parts of various salvaged appliances. 

Ventilation units

The reuse of ventilation groups is still rare, and these elements are not yet really present on the reclamation market. Reuse directly from one construction site to another is technically possible, provided that there is proper preparation and coordination. 

Electrical installations

Different types of electrical equipment, such as transformers and generators, are recovered and offered for sale again by specialised companies. The installations are thoroughly revised and tested, and sometimes new installations are assembled from parts of various salvaged devices. The housing of transformer stations can also be reused.

Electrical wiring, switchgear, etc.

Some specialised companies offer reclaimed electrical cabling, but the supply is very variable and depends on the price for copper. Accessories such as plugs or switchgear are somewhat more widely available from various demolition contractors with a salvage yard.