Stadsmijn Achterhoek
Zuidgang 1A
7141 JK Groenlo
Heures d'ouverture
Mo-Fri 7h-17h
Sat 7h30-16h
- Matériaux
- Propose également
- Services
- Démolition
- Opérations sur les produits
- Travail du bois basique (écorçage, sciage, etc.) Menuiserie (nettoyage, dimensionnement, séchage, traitement de surface, etc.)
Stadsmijn Achterhoek was founded in 2021 by three companies - contractor WAM & Van Duren, demolition company Rouwmaat and Kringloop Aktief - who joined forces to facilitate the reuse of materials in the Achterhoek region.
Stadsmijn Achterhoek offers materials from Rouwmaat's demolition sites on their webshop, such as wooden beams, sanitary equipment and lighting, but in time they also want to be a platform where other demolition companies in the region can offer materials. In the future, Stadsmijn Achterhoek will also offer to make an inventory of existing buildings to identify reusable materials. Initially, they will focus on business customers.
At the time of writing, the project is still in the start-up phase. Check the website to stay informed about current developments and available materials.