Schijf Restoric
C.T. Storkweg 21
1422 WB Uithoorn
Heures d'ouverture
Mon-Fri: 8h-17h
Sat: 9h-17h
- Matériaux
- Propose également
- Services
- Démolition Démantèlement
- Opérations sur les produits
Meubles réalisés en réemploi
Restauration de matériaux historiques
Menuiserie (nettoyage, dimensionnement, séchage, traitement de surface, etc.)
Redimensionnement et recadrage des portes et fenêtres
Restoration of stained glass windows
Since the foundation in 1972, the Schijf Groep construction company specializes in restoration, renovation and mutation demolition. From the start, Schijf sells the material they encountered during they demolition projects. To begin with, that material was mainly wood from old greenhouses, but over the course of the decades, their demolition activities have expanded and the offer of materials followed suit.
Besides wooden planks and beams, the warehouse with several floors currently houses a large number of old panel doors, stained glass windows, sinks, cast iron radiators, hinges and locks, parts of staircases, etc. Not only will you find material from the start of the 20th century there, you will also encounter more recent products like steel plate radiators, insulation material, wall tiles, etc. are all on offer.
Schijf Restoric has everything to be worthy of the name of construction market for used construction material. They have become well known in the area, meaning they no longer only sell material from their own demolition projects, but also elements they receive from colleague-demolition companies or local DIY builders.
In the workshops adjacent to the shop pieces of furniture are produced from re-used wood, doors are adapted to the current norms and stained glass windows are restored.