Gamle Trehus


Maridalsveien 120
0461 Oslo

Opening hours

Wed: 14.00-18.00
Thur: 14.00-20.00
Sat: 12.00-15.00

Also offers
Démantèlement Mise en oeuvre

1st degree repair, sales. 

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Gamle Trehus AS is located in a large barn housing a small artist cooperative at Sagene in central Oslo. They specialise in doors and windows from the 19th and 20th century and also carry smaller objects of historic value like lamps, hardware and sockets. The opening hours are limited but appointment can be made outside of opening hours by phone or email. They focus on salvage of historic interior doors from the eastern part of Norway and they carry out sourcing, dismantling, transport, small first degree repairs, sales and distribution. Their price point is dependent on how much work is put into repair, and the items are sold as high-end pieces with historic value. They also specialise in doorknobs and locking systems, which can be bought separately from the doors. They pay respect to craftsmanship and will do small repairs if needed, however they do emphasise that the beauty of wear and patina are part of the product they sell. They share the retail space with a company specialising in the reproduction of tiles with local historic patterns.

Last modification: 27/11/2023