Derb Ghallef


Boulevard Raphael, Maarif
20102 Casablanca

Opening hours

Saturday-Thursday : 09:00 - 19:00

Friday : 09:00-13:00, 16:00-19:00


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It is just on the edge, by the parking, of the Darb Ghellaf market that we can find an impressive amount of re-use and second hand materials, that is proposed by around 10 resellers on site. In between the landfill, lays used construction materials that are either dropped by private individuals and companies, or sold at very low prices to the resellers of Darb Ghellaf.

The stock, that is hardly measurable, consists of material that would have been destined to recycling or incineration. There are multitudes of used doors, windows, wood boards, metal poles, stairs, chairs, wood offices and housing furnitures, etc.

The resellers provided almost no cleaning, repairs, restorations of materials they receive, so their materials are principally proposed to clients searching for inexpensive materials. The large amount of materials and un-organisation of this part of the market might appear hard to find the items looking for, but the resellers on site made clear demarkations of the extend each shop and seem to know their available stock.

Most of items for sell could be considered low quality as they are not arriving from construction and demolition sites or from surplus, but rather from recovered materials from landfills and slums.

Last modification: 27/11/2023