

Vollebekkveien 2A
0598 Oslo

Opening hours

Mon-Fri: 09.00-16.00 

Also offers
Transport Conception Démolition Démantèlement Mise en oeuvre

Deconstruction planning, architectural design, reseller of materials 

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Located in Oslo, Resirqel works multidisciplinary within the reuse sector. Their warehouse and storage space is positioned in the industrial outskirts of Oslo and offer a large inside and outside storage space. With an in-house team of architects, their work is client based. and project driven and their in-house stock is therefore limited down to 10% of their available catalogue of materials. All materials for sale can be found on their web page. 

The Resirqel team consist of two architects, an entrepreneur, a logistics and sales person and a former development manager. This broad competence level makes them able to work hands on within all parts of the reuse and construction industry. From sourcing, cataloguing, deconstruction advising and design. Many of the largest construction companies in Norway work in collaboration with Resirqel, however, they also offer sales to private buyers.

They do not specialise in any material and carry a large range of components varying from large windows, doors, industrial kitchen supplies, wood planks, industrial lighting, paint, concrete components, pipes and staircases. The material is sourced from leftover building materials from current time development projects or from large scale demolition projects in Oslo. Resirqel stands out by offering a low prince range on their material, by pricing the materials with 50% reduced priced from the new cheapest material on the market.

Last modification: 27/11/2023