Wattoo Building Materials and Scrap Materials


City: Sharjah
Émirats arabes unis

Opening hours

9AM - 6PM (Saturday to Sunday)

9AM - 11AM, 3PM - 6PM (Friday) 

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Wattoo Building Material and Scrap Material has been trading in Sharjah, UAE for the past 10 years. They sell a variety of building materials including structural materials such as steel & timber, varieties of tiles for flooring & roofs, doors & windows, sanitary and insulation panels. They act as resellers of used building material and additionally collect surplus building materials that had been ordered for projects. The materials are mainly contemporary and heterogeneous, due to which they have a variety of stock for each building material. Their products are priced at competitive rates that are much cheaper than the market prices for the same materials. Their stock is sourced from contractors who seek their assistance to dismantle reusable building elements such as doors and windows. They do not have services to reprocess or clean the used materials, however, they do provide services for transportation and installation. It is an open yard where clients can pick up materials either individually or consult for transportation for an extra cost. Potential clients must liaise directly with the salespersons, either on the phone or in person at their yard, to find up-to-date information about their stock and catalogue. 

Last modification: 27/11/2023