Jurassic Reclamation


Broomhill Farm

Opening hours

Monday to Friday :  8.00 am - 5.00 pm

Saturday : 9.00 am - 4.00 pm

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Although relatively modest in size, the reclamation yard based just 10 minutes south of the town centre in Bridport contains everything from reclaimed bricks, local Bothenhampton stone, double romans,  roof tiles, ridge tiles, reclaimed tiles, slate, flagstones, fire hearth slate, fires, fire surrounds to Victorian pine furniture, tables, chairs, blanket boxes, reclaimed flooring, oak and pine doors, wardrobes, old oak beams, scaffold boards and much more. There is also a large section of garden fixtures. 

Neil, prior to establishing Jurassic Reclamation had worked as a roofer for 25 years ; his experience in the building industry is shown through a comprehensive understanding of the materials in his yard. Unwanted materials are sourced through from long-term relationships eastablished with local builders and contractors.

Last modification: 27/11/2023