Malmö Återbyggdepå


Grimsbygatan 11
211 20 Malmö

Opening hours

Mon, Fri 07.00-15.30 Tue-Thu 07.00-18.00
Also offers
Transport Démolition Dismantling
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Malmö Återbyggdepå is a reclamation centre run by the City of Malmö in collaboration with Sysav, which is South Skånes waste management organisation. They started selling reused materials in 1997, and the initial goal was to highlight social and collaborative projects. They supply everything from single items to materials in large series, and the storage space is well organised for client display. They have recovered building elements from many government buildings such as the old regiments buildings in the region. They have a large supply of reclaimed roof tiles and bricks, and they also cut bricks on-site to sell as tiles. Other materials supplied is concrete, stone, doors, windows, sanitary and small architectural items.

Last modification: 27/11/2023