Bogers Dakpannenhandel


Kerkstraat, 14
5161DA Sprang-Capelle

Opening hours

Mon - Fri 8h-17h30
Sat 9h-15h


During the last century, more than 200 independent tile factories closed their doors in Belgium and the Netherlands. If you are looking for a specific type of tile from these regions, there is a good chance you will find it at Bogers. The company collects large batches of materials, but also smaller batches that often find a buyer. Interesting point: They also have more recent models of roof tiles (that can still be found in the shops), and tiles in coloured concrete.
And if you don’t find what you are looking for in their stock, they can also make their own moulds and produce a small batch of roof tiles on request, using their traditional presses. Unobtainable parts can be replaced in this way: “Because a tiled roof lasts forever – provided you can repair it when necessary.''


Last modification: 27/11/2023