
Affichage de 1 à 21 sur 21



K.118, baubüro in situ

De architect als jager-verzamelaar

Woning Vignette, Karbon’ architecture et urbanisme

Materiaalallianties: hergebruik en bio-based

Conversion of two wings of the Lycée Michel Lucius

A range of circular solutions in Luxembourg

Transformation de deux ailes du lycée Michel Lucius

Un éventail de solutions circulaires au Luxembourg

Verbiest en Karreveld, AgwA

Behoud en hergebruik (in situ)

  • Wood from other applications
  • Suspended ceilings
  • Older windows
  • Hangars with steel structure
  • Steel beams
  • Unglazed porcelain tiles
  • Hangars with steel structure
  • Steel beams
  • Cement based tiles
  • Steel beams
  • Terracotta tiles
  • Terracotta tiles
  • Wood from other applications
  • Wood from other applications
  • Panelling
  • Unglazed porcelain tiles
  • Unglazed porcelain tiles
  • Enamelled, ceramic tiles
  • Older windows