Vieux Granits


7 Rue de Kérentrée
56150 Baud


Mon - Fri: 9h-12h / 13h30-18h


All in granite: door and window frames, lintels, jambs, dormers, chimneys, niches, wells, troughs, pillars, fountains, gadgets, sculpted heads and pressoire.

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The limited liability company Poulain is based in a 1-hectare plot steeped in history, with a marvellous stock of granite, allowing you a glimpse of some beautiful period pieces. Handed down from father to son, the company specialises in unique granite items. They recover stone from demolition sites in Brittany  and resize them to meet the needs of architects, contractors and private customers. The company works with different types of granite: beige, yellow, grey, blue and white, with a variety of grains. The aged effect of the granite can be provided by their perfect mastery of the art of stone cutting.

Last modification: 27/11/2023