La ressourcerie de la Miraille
ZA des Sablonnières
05120 L’Argentière-la-Bessée
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Dépôts des dons Ven-Sam: 9h30/12h30 et 14h/17h
Vente des matériaux : Ven-Sam : 9h30/12h30 et 14h/17h30
- Materialen
- Materialen
- Services
- Productbewerkingen
Schrijnwerkerij (kuisen, dimensioneren, drogen, oppervlaktebewerkingen, etc.)
Afbijten en zandstralen
Reviseren van technische installaties
Reinigen van sanitair
Reconditionnement Redimensionnement
La Miraille material reuse platform is an initiative of Environnement et Solidarité, an entrepreneurial association of the Social and Solidarity Economy.
This association wishes to participate in the development of a local sector for the reuse of materials from the construction sector, in particular through the establishment of a platform specialising in the collection, preparation and sale of reused materials in a dedicated area. In a 350m2 sales area that can be visited, various materials are offered for sale: sheet metal, sanitaryware, doors, windows, tiles, parquet, radiators and others. These materials come from voluntary donations and from the association's careful removal sites. Some professionals also donate new items from order errors, surpluses or unsold items. The materials are listed in an inventory that can be consulted online on the association's website.
With the support of its teams of employees in integration and a dedicated workshop, the association offers a wide range of services related to reuse activities: dismantling, reconditioning, preparation of materials (water and air cleaning, plumbing test bench, welding, mechanics etc.).