Contini Vittorio


Loc. Fabbiano | IT-29011 Borgonovo val Tidone (PC)
29011 Fabbiano PC

Opening hours

MO – SA (by appointment), 8.00-12.00 an 2.00-6.00

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Following his lifetime passion for old materials (especially cementina, graniglia and terra cotta floors), in 1993 Vittorio Contini decided to open a company that, specialises flooring but also offers a vast selection of antique elements. During its 20 years of activity the company has seen a continuous increase in the interest of architects and builders in the use of materials and techniques from the past, particularly with regard to flooring. Along with the traditional reclaimed floors of stone or terra cotta, there is a large request for colored cementina tiles (also called pastina) and graniglia tiles (marmetta).

Beyond the cementine and graniglia tiles, Vittori Contini provides a vast selection of reclaimed antique bricks, original terra cotta beams, roof tiles and stone floorings for interiors and exteriors, for both renovations and new buildings. There is an especially large selection of reclaimed materials for exteriors, gardens and courtyards: old stones, terra cotta, cement, balconies and antique gates as well as unique pieces like stairs, fireplaces, columns, vats and stone or cement sinks. 

The company offers a service of dismantling and cleaning of mortar leftovers and instalment of flooring tiles. 

Last modification: 27/11/2023