Vestiges de France


11 route de la Brosse
45720 Coullons

Opening hours

Mon - Fri: 9h-12h / 14h-18h
Sat: 9h-12h

Also offers
Transport Dismanteling
Operations on products
Mortar residue cleaning

Sorting, Cleaning, Referencing, Packing on pallets

Vestiges de France hive for 20 years in the recovery and sale of old and antique materials, specialising in old floors. It was created by Thierry Gauthe following the construction of his own house using 90% reclaimed materials. 

The materials sold by Vestiges de France come from an area within 150 kilometres of Coullons. The company has the items taken out and cleaned before coming to collect them, and then takes charge of the sorting, restoration and supply at its warehouse. The tomette tiles, pavers and bricks are sold ready to use. 

The company occasionally offers old parquet floors and doors, without treating or altering these products in any way. 

Vestiges de France is able to fulfil orders for large areas of old floors. The items can be delivered everywhere in France and Europe.

The available references are well organised and visible in the showroom and on the company’s website. Mr Gauthe is also a source of good advice on the materials and how to use them.

Last modification: 27/11/2023