La Regratterie


58 rue de la Longerolle
86440 Migné-Auxances


La matériauthèque : 

Mer, Jeu & Ven : 14h à 18h

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La Regratterie is an association project recognised as being in the public interest. It is based on the observation that our society still produces too much waste, even though a large part of it can be reused.

La Regratterie questions our way of consuming, gives leads and awakens the curious around two places:

- a "Matériauthèque": a recycling centre specialising in the recovery of materials, but also workshops for artists, also open for initiations to encourage the transmission of know-how and do-it-yourself activities, located near Poitiers;

- L'Endroit de la Regratterie": an exhibition and sales gallery (rue de la Regratterie, Poitiers city centre) which showcases the work of "recycling artists" from our region. Sculptures, diverted furniture...

The aim of the association is to create a link between the sources of materials to be reused and professionals / individuals in order to give them a second life.

To do this, the association collects unsold goods, offcuts, end-of-stock items, etc. from various partners. Thus, the material library of 1500m2 puts on sale for all (individuals and professionals) at solidarity prices and conscious various materials (wood, metal, paint, fabric, paper, materials BTP, haberdashery, creative hobbies, hardware and tools ...).

The Regratterie also offers design and production work using recycled materials. In its workshops, a collective of recycling artists offers committed creations. They invent unique, made-to-measure pieces on demand, drawing on the full diversity of materials available.

Last modification: 27/11/2023