Nygårds Byggåtervinning


Åhs 34
43276 Tvååker

Opening hours

Tue-Fri 10.00 - 18.00 Sat 09.00 - 13.00
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The company started 1996 when the couple, Stefan and Gunilla, renovated their home and didn’t know what to do with two windows and thereby developed the idea of selling old building material. Today they operate in a barn in the rural countryside of Halland. Stefan has until recent years conducted demolitions himself, but today built up a network of contacts and instead collects their material around the region. They supply both period specific items as well as contemporary and overstock from construction sites. Something not to be missed during a visit is the colourful collection of retro bides on the second floor of the main house. 

Last modification: 27/11/2023