Stations Services


9 rue de la Bauche Thiraud
44400 Rezé

Opening hours

mer-ven-sam: 10h-13h / 14h-18h


Plaques de BA13, mobilier, papeterie, outillage, visserie, tous types de bois, tissus, métaux, verres, plastiques, mercerie, tissus.

Also offers
Transport Design Demolition Dismanteling

The company Stations Services is able to handle large quantities of material.



Stations Services is mainly interested in interior work materials, interior design and DIY of all kinds (sewing, upholstery, etc.). The company's services include the removal of materials, packaging and ad hoc self-testings before they are put into service and resold in their sales outlets. They also collect scrap and production offcuts from companies in the Nantes metropolitan area. On average, their prices are 50% lower than the equivalent new price!

They now have 4 shops offering a variety of materials in large quantities.

Last modification: 27/11/2023